A transformational, library-centered platform for digital content and services

The Palace Project is a new, non-profit platform that puts libraries at the forefront of the econtent landscape. Palace supports the mission of libraries by providing equitable access to digital knowledge, bolstering the relationship between libraries and patrons, protecting patron privacy, and enabling libraries to serve all their econtent in a single app.

Funded by a $5 million investment from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Palace Project is a division of Lyrasis working in strategic partnership with Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). 

Get started with Palace today

Image of Palace Being Used on Smart Phones

The library really is a palace. It bestows nobility on people who otherwise couldn’t afford a shred of it.

- Eric Klinenberg, author
"Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life"

The Palace Project is your one-stop digital library solution

  • A simple easy-to-use app that delivers content from any provider
  • Tools to allow your staff to actively manage and curate the patron experience
  • Turnkey hosting service with 24/7 reliable, enterprise class support
  • A robust content marketplace that offers flexible lending models from the Big 5 to Amazon Publishing to independent publishers

Features of The Palace Project

Image of Place App Icon on Smart Phone

Why choose Palace?

  • Give patrons access to all content, from any provider, in one easy-to-use app
  • Show your library’s value with your brand front and center
  • Expand your patron base
  • Protect patron privacy
  • Join the only community supported, library-driven econtent solution

Benefits of the Palace Project

Person Reading on Smart Phone

The only not-for-profit, library-centered ebooks marketplace

Palace Marketplace is the only non-profit ebook and audiobook marketplace developed in consultation with libraries, for libraries. We offer ebooks and audiobooks from more than 1,000 publishers, including titles from Amazon Publishing, Hachette, Harper Collins, Macmillan, and Simon and Schuster as well as hundreds of mid-sized and independent publishers. We advocate for libraries with publishers for licensing models that better fit the needs of libraries and offer unique licensing models on much of the content available in the Marketplace.

Join Palace Marketplace  |  Browse Palace Marketplace

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Build an instant collection of free ebooks

The Palace Project allows libraries to jumpstart their collections with a free collection of more than 11,000 openly licensed titles available in high-quality epub format. The collection includes classics, contemporary fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, and textbooks, all reviewed by the DPLA Curation Corps of volunteer librarians.

See the collection

Person Using eReader

Download The Palace Project App Today!

Link to App Store    Link to Google Play Store

Image of Three Smart Phones Using Palace App