Libraries wishing to purchase ebooks and audiobooks from the Palace Marketplace will be required to execute an Institutional Member Agreement (IMA).
The IMA is a short form which states that the library will commit to paying for all titles directly purchased from the Palace Marketplace.
To best streamline the process of setting up your library’s Palace Marketplace account, the IMA form allows for the receipt of your electronic signature, via the use of DocuSign; an electronic signature provider.
Please email us to request a link to the IMA on DocuSign. You will be required to agree to the electronic signature prior to executing the agreement. DocuSign will guide you within the agreement as to the required fields to complete. Please note, the agreement has been pre-populated with a countersignature by The Palace Project. Upon executing the agreement, you may download it for your records. DocuSign will prompt you to create an account if you wish to have your copy stored with them. Creating an account is not required, if you download your copy promptly. The Palace Project team will also be in receipt of the fully executed agreement.
Your library’s Palace Marketplace log-in credentials will be sent to you directly within 3-5 business days.
Thank you, and welcome to The Palace Project!